The Beginner’s Guide to Natural Living
How to Cultivate a More Natural Lifestyle to Lose Weight, Prevent Degenerative Disease, Improve Your Energy And Attain Vibrant Health
Available as a 240 page book or right here as a free online course (scroll down)!
By Larry Cook, author
You absolutely can restore your health when your body is detoxified of poisons (detoxification), you replace chemicalized food (synthetic food) with natural food (organic food), you employ the principles of correct diet (healthy eating), you give your body maximum nutrition (supplements), your muscles are activated (exercise), your energy flow is increased (chi energy), your immune system is strengthened and your organs are encouraged to repair themselves (natural medicine), you don’t poison your mouth (holistic dentistry), you buy products designed for healthy living (grocery shopping), and you “live naturally” every day.
Reading The Beginner’s Guide to Natural Living as a 240 page softcover book – or on this website – will help you understand the basic principles of “natural living,” a catch-all phrase used to indicate a lifestyle approach to health based on how our bodies operate, not on which drugs can alleviate symptoms of larger underlying problems. I place a strong emphasis on how to eat a healthy diet based on whole, organic food, and I provide my personal healthy recipes, because your health is absolutely determined by what you eat. By following the principles I recommend you’ll be doing what millions of people are successfully doing: reversing their health conditions and living in vibrant health!
The Importance of Food
One of the greatest threats to the human race is the all-pervasive, ongoing, deliberate manipulation of our food supply—from the farm to the shelf, and at every step in-between. Without a doubt, the contamination of our food with synthetic chemicals (e.g., pesticides, herbicides, heavy metals, preservatives, food dyes, stabilizers, artificial flavorings, fake vitamins, growth hormones, tranquilizers, antibiotics, etc., etc., ad nauseam) combined with production techniques that utterly decimate the intrinsic nutritional value of raw food (e.g., genetic engineering, irradiation, high-temperature processing, hydrogenation, etc.), is the primary root cause of degenerative disease in America and abroad.*
Our bodies are not designed to operate on nutritionally stripped, chemically laden food day in and day out. Daily intake of micro doses of toxins over the course of years or decades, and deprivation of optimum nutrition—which is contrary to what nature intends—will certainly cause a degenerative disease to set in sooner or later.
To be free of degenerative disease, then, means we must abstain, as often as possible, from eating synthetic (man-derived) food. In my course (and book) I give an in-depth explanation of how most of our food is being deliberately compromised. For optimum health, avoid these foods, and instead embrace the foods I discuss in Chapter 3 (Organic food).
*Health and beauty aids are also loaded with synthetic chemicals, and most cleaning products use highly toxic chemicals, all of which can contribute to the decline of health. These products are harmful to the environment as well.
Larry Cook Bio…
CLICK HERE to learn more about me!
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Foreword by Dr. John F Taylor, Ph.D.
Introduction: Lifestyle Choices Matter
1. Pure Water: Use a Water Filter at Home
2. Pesticides & Herbicides Kill
2. GMO Food
2. Irradiated Food
2. Synthetic Food Additive
2. Aspartame: Sweet Poison
2. Sugar Woes
2. Refined Foods
2. Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) Kills
3. FOOD: Embrace Organic
4. Grocery Shopping: The Natural Way
5. Healthy Eating: The Essentials
6. Take Potent Supplements Every Day
7. Detoxify Your Body
8. Exercise Regularly
9. Increase Your Vitali-Chi!
10. Natural Medicine & Remedies
11. Holistic Dentistry
5 Star Reviews!
- I have been very interested in natural living for a while now, and slowly have been adding more and more components of it to my life. This book is a great comprehensive guide to many aspects of natural living. It gives specific examples of what to do and not to do, as well as specific product recommendations. He also has some recipes in the back of the book that I have tried and loved, and found very useful. I definitely recommend this book for anyone interested in natural living.
- This book is well written. Everything is consistent with what we know today about additives, GMOs, organic etc. I really liked this book…when I need reaffirmation that this is the way to go…I read a chapter or two. Apparently there was some undeserved criticism of this book..all I can say is…people resist change and the truth can stare one in the face but still be ignored.
- This is a great book to get if you’re just starting out on a more natural and healthy lifestyle. The information in this book still holds true years later and I find myself going back to it just to brush up on things. It’s a small book filled with a lot of good information.
- Great information, easy to read.
- I found this book to be incredibly insightful and eye-opening. Larry covers a vast array of topics, all of which contain very valuable information, and is sure to sight his sources. This book has truly changed my life-for the better.
Thank you, Larry. - Great book for a guy like me just getting started down the path of natural living. Thanks Larry!
- This book changed my life, I am so happy I order it through amazon, I am sure I will order more books soon.
- Very informative book.
- Mom wasn’t healthy, no huge degenerative disease like cancer…but just lots of little things adding up, memory loss, arthritis, pains here and there…And although she is interested in healthy ways, (and talks to me / is supportive about what I do and what I like…) she was hesitant to make any changes to her own old routines… So, I got my mom this book as an introduction to ways she can start to feel better. I had read it for myself, and although it was mostly things I knew (I’ve read a lot about health over the years) what i was impressed with is that it contained the components of health and nutrition that I’ve found to be most beneficial in my own experience of trial and error.
So I decided to get it for my mom, thinking that she most likely won’t read it…and I’d just have to chalk it up to, “Oh well, I tried”. So it came as a complete surprise that she -first of all- read it, and then was utterly ASTONISHED when I found out that she actually started implementing EVERY SINGLE suggestion in the book! 🙂
So then, I had to find out how it was able to make such an impact…So I was like “mom, I’ve told you how important getting omega oils is, like taking flax oil” she quickly quipped back “but you didn’t tell me WHY!…” So, for whatever reason, the WAY in which this book was written combined with the practicality of the suggestions …has changed my mom’s health for the better. And further, has managed to shift her belief /inspired her to know that she now has an active ROLE in maintaining her own health (!) So pretty cool indeed…So, I’m actually writing this to say, thanks Mr. Cook! 🙂 - This little gem does a great job covering the basics needed to achieve and maintain good health from a natural health perspective: how to shop at a health food store, why to drink filtered water, why to eat whole organic food instead of processed food, how to build chi and vitality, why detoxification of the body is important, the benefit to visiting a holistic dentist, how natural medicine works and why visiting a natural medicine doctor is important. It is clearly organized and packed with practical information that will be helpful to any individual interested in forming lifelong healthy habits. The book is appropriate for both the novice and the more experienced natural health conscious consumer. I am a practicing Naturopathic Doctor and I found many of the resources in the book to be very useful. Kudos to the author for creating a well-researched, thorough and peer-reviewed book that will help everyone take the right steps towards living a healthy life.
Angela Agrios, ND
Licensed Naturopathic Doctor
Los Angeles, CA - I’ve read many books over the last 40 years on nutrition and healthy living, and “The Beginner’s Guide to Natural Living” is one of the very best. It takes the latest information on every aspect of healthy living and delivers that information in an easy-to-read format with just the right amount of depth. The book also offers an excellent list for further reading for those interested in additional information on various health topics. My life has been improved and simplified now that I have this book. I no longer have to research the dozens of other books I have on nutritional and natural health topics to find the best information listed in one place–with conclusions that match my own on the various topics of drinking water, food, shopping, cooking, excercise, supplements, medicine, and more. In my field of spiritual research, the purification and health of the physical body plays a significant role in our “higher attunement” ability. Applying the principles in Cook’s book will get you there in a most efficient manner.
C. David Lundberg, author of “What God Really Wants You to Know” - I recommend The Beginner’s Guide to Natural Living to my patients because it encapsulates all the things I would want them to know at the outset: vibrant health comes from living a more natural lifestyle, and Mr. Cook brings it all together in an easily digestible form. The book is comprehensive but readable, practical and thoughtful. For my patients to have success in healing, I always prescribe dietary changes such as those advocated by Mr. Cook – eating whole foods, organic foods and less processed foods. This book also gives good research as to why eating such foods promotes healing and health. The sections on supplements and health food shopping are particularly useful and easy to follow. If someone is looking to get healthy or reverse a disease process, adopting the principles in this book is a great way to get started.
Simon Barker, ND
Pasadena, CA - I just love this book…I found out about it through a friend & read it in one night, now I keep it on my nightstand as a reference guide. I am a want-a-be naturalist & I try my best. This book gives me the knowledge and inspiration to stay on track. I purchaed 6 more books for my 20 something kids and close friends. Alot of the knowledge in the book I already knew, reading it gave me the power to incorprate the basics into my daily life. I know that I will not go Vegan however I am much smarter about my choices…I think everyone should have this book and use it as a reference guide to healther living.
- For those of you who are confused by conflicting health care data, I highly recommend The Beginner’s Guide to Natural Living. I have been educating people about natural health for over 20 years and ever since this book came out, my job has been much easier. It provides the reader with easy-to-understand information on everything from how to (painlessly) transition to a better diet, how to find a good alternative care practitioner, how to find products to support you in making changes, and most importantly… WHY it’s so good for you to do so. It even has pictures of many of the staples of a natural foods diet so you can bring the book with you to your local health food store to show them what you want. If you’ve ever felt embarrassed by not knowing the difference between a naturopath and a homeopath, or between a vegetarian and a vegan, or what a tincture is or why it’s best to clean your body, hair and teeth with natural products… this is your new bible!!!
- This book is a fantastic roadmap for starting a healthy lifestyle. I learned many of the foods and household products I used had additives that are not safe, but it is a big task to change the things that we use everyday. The book introduced me to some great products and helpful resources for information. I like to research products before purchasing but I found that there isn’t a lot of rating information about organic products. Larry’s book is a fantastic “where to start and why” reference, one that you will use again and again.
This is the best book I have read for healthy living ideas that you can implement at your own pace. The improvement in my family’s health confirms that The Beginner’s Guide To Natural Living was a great investment! Danna B.
Course Content
Heavy Metal Detox for Children
Heavy Metal Detoxification is critical for their development, behavior, digestion, immune function, IQ, cognitive skills, speaking ability, and so much more. Learn how heavy metals can adversely affect your child, where these toxins come from and how to safely detox your child from heavy metals.